Shiitake Mushroom


Shiitake mushroom is a fungus. An extract made from this mushroom is used as medicine.

Shiitake mushroom is used for boosting the immune system, HIV/AIDS, lowering blood cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, eczema, colds and flu, treating prostate or breast cancer, and as an anti-aging agent. It is also used for hepatitis B, herpes, high blood pressure, and stomach ache.

Shiitake mushroom is used in a mouth rinse for dental plaque.

Shiitake mushroom is also eaten as food.


Is a Form of:


Primary Functions:

Boosting immune system

Also Known As:

Champignon Noir, Champignon Parfumé, Champignon Shiitake

How Does It Work?

Shiitake mushroom contains chemicals that might help lower cholesterol levels. It also contains very small amounts of a chemical that seems to keep tumors from getting bigger. This chemical might also stimulate the immune system.


  • Dental plaque.Rinsing with liquid containing shiitake mushroom does not seem to reduce plaque (94250).

Recommended Dosing

The appropriate dose of shiitake mushroom depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for shiitake mushroom. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

Shiitake Mushroom Supplements Frequently Asked Questions

What are mushroom supplements good for?

Reishi mushroom has been used to help enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, and lessen fatigue. People also take reishi mushroom for health conditions such as: High blood pressure. High cholesterol.

What are the side effects of mushroom supplements?

Side Effects & Safety

Use of powdered reishi mushroom has been associated with toxic effects on the liver. Reishi mushroom can also cause other side effects including dryness of the mouth, throat, and nasal area along with itchiness, stomach upset, nosebleed, and bloody stools.

What is the best medicinal mushroom?

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Boosting The Immune System

  • Shiitake.
  • Reishi.
  • Turkey Tail.

Which mushroom is the healthiest?

Oyster and shiitake mushrooms have the most fiber (at 2g per serving), Lemond says, and raw maitake mushrooms and portobellos exposed to UV light are among the highest in vitamin D. White mushrooms are also sold with enhanced levels of vitamin D. Ultimately, though, any mushroom is a good choice.

Do mushroom supplements really work?

Widespread use of medicinal mushrooms continues in Asia today, with more than 100 varieties used just to treat cancer. In clinical trials, the supplement appeared to improve survival for people with gastric or colon cancer and, although the evidence is not as strong, may also benefit those with other types of cancer.

Does lion's mane mushroom get you high?

Inflammation and oxidation

A 2012 study evaluating the medicinal potential of 14 types of mushroom found that lion's mane had the fourth highest antioxidant activity, which researchers described as “moderate to high.”

Which mushroom is best for the immune system?

Take the edge off with reishi

Think of reishi as nature's Xanax. This favored fungus is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms, and for good reason. Reishi may be able do it all: aid in weight loss (as seen in a mouse study), keep the immune system in check, and may even fiercely fight cancer cells .

Is Mushroom anti inflammatory?

Mushrooms are rich in anti-inflammatory components, such as polysaccharides, phenolic and indolic compounds, mycosteroids, fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins, and biometals. Metabolites from mushrooms of the Basidiomycota taxon possess antioxidant, anticancer, and most significantly, anti-inflammatory properties.

Is Mushroom good for losing weight?

As such, when mushrooms are incorporated into a healthy eating plan, they can help to improve your immune function as well. Providing protein and fiber, mushrooms have also been found to be beneficial for weight loss. Mushrooms have unusually high levels of the essential vitamin, vitamin D.

Is Mushroom bad for health?

Nutritional benefits of eating mushrooms. You can't go wrong with mushrooms. They're fat-free, low-sodium, low-calorie, and cholesterol-free. They're also packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Which mushroom is best for weight loss?

Well, we didn't. The study titled "The effect of mushroom intake on modulating post-prandial glycemic response," from the Department of Nutrition Science at the University of Buffalo shows how Portobello mushrooms can help people lose weight by regulating blood sugar levels.

Can you take reishi everyday?

Reishi helps you to chill out. It's not like kava and won't make you drowsy (it's a non-sedative). When consumed in continuous, small doses, reishi may help to support the body's sleep cycles. Personally, I've found that daily use seems to show more promise than just drinking it once or twice.

Which mushroom is best for inflammation?

Chaga mushrooms are an antioxidant powerhouse, making them excellent contenders for fighting free radicals and inflammation.

Can I eat mushroom everyday?

Mushrooms contain abundant calcium which is an essential nutrient to maintain strong bones. Consuming mushrooms regularly can help reduce chances of developing bone-related conditions including osteoporosis, joint pain, and other disorders related to bone degeneration.

Does mushroom increase weight?

“Mushrooms are loaded with vitamins and minerals [copper, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, potassium, phosphorus, and iron] and have very few calories, so they make the perfect diet food. Incorporating more mushrooms into your diet could be an effective weight-loss strategy.

Can mushroom make you sick?

Even breathing the vapors from boiling such mushrooms can cause illness. Gyromitra species are known to carry a carcinogen, which can also build up in the body over time. Poisonous mushrooms may also cause allergic-type reactions, or cause hallucinogenic reactions.

Is Mushroom good for thyroid?

Selenium is essential to healthy thyroid function, according to the International Journal of Endocrinology, because it supports thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism. Selenium can be supplemented, but it can also be found in seafood, eggs, garlic, broccoli, seeds, shiitake mushrooms and nuts.

Is Mushroom good for stomach?

Mushrooms Impact the Health of Your Gut

We know that mushrooms strengthen the immune system, and one important way they do this is by acting as a prebiotic, or food for beneficial bacteria in the gut, thereby supporting a healthy microbiome, according to Bove.

Is a mushroom a carb or protein?

Mushrooms are low in calories, have virtually no fat and no cholesterol, and are very low in sodium. Three ounces of raw mushrooms, about 1 cup, provide 1 to 2 grams of protein. Mushrooms contain an indigestible carbohydrate called chitin that contributes “bulk” to our diet.

What does a mushroom eat?

Mushrooms contain no chlorophyll and most are considered saprophytes. That is, they obtain their nutrition from metabolizing non living organic matter. This means they break down and "eat" dead plants, like your compost pile does.

Is Mushroom good for hair growth?

Mushrooms are a good source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which are all useful in both promoting healthy and strong hair and preventing hair loss and other problems. B vitamins help carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, which aids in hair growth.

 Mushroom high in protein?

Mushrooms are low in calories, have virtually no fat and no cholesterol, and are very low in sodium. Three ounces of raw mushrooms, about 1 cup, provide 1 to 2 grams of protein. Most mushrooms are also a good source of selenium and potassium.

Is Mushroom good for high blood pressure?

High blood pressure rarely causes symptoms, meaning few people realise they have the condition, but it can increase your risk of a premature death from heart disease or stroke. Eating shiitake mushrooms could help lower your blood pressure, according to Dr Sarah Brewer writing on

Clinical Studies