

Iodine is a chemical element. The body needs iodine but cannot make it. The iodine needed by the body must come from the diet. As a rule, there is very little iodine in food, unless it has been added during processing. Processed food typically contains more iodine due to the addition of iodized salt. Most of the world's iodine is found in the ocean, where it is concentrated by sea life, especially seaweed.

The thyroid gland needs iodine to make hormones. If the thyroid doesn't have enough iodine to do its job, systems in the body cause the thyroid to work harder. This can cause an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), which causes a swollen neck.

Other consequences of not having enough iodine (iodine deficiency) are also serious. Iodine deficiency and the resulting low levels of thyroid hormone can cause women to stop ovulating, leading to infertility. Iodine deficiency can also lead to an autoimmune disease of the thyroid and may increase the risk of getting thyroid cancer. Some researchers think that iodine deficiency might also increase the risk of other cancers such as prostate, breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy is serious for both the mother and the baby. It can lead to high blood pressure during pregnancy for the mother and mental retardation for the baby. Iodine plays an important role in development of the central nervous system. In extreme cases, iodine deficiency can lead to cretinism, a disorder that involves severely stunted physical and mental growth.

Iodine deficiency is a common world health problem. The most recognized form of deficiency is goiter. Additionally, across the globe iodine deficiency is thought to be the most common preventable cause of mental retardation. Early in the twentieth century, iodine deficiency was common in the US and Canada, but the addition of iodine to salt has improved public health. The addition of iodine to salt is required in Canada. In the US, iodized salt is not required, but it is widely available. Researchers estimate that iodized salt is used regularly by about half the US population.

Iodine is taken by mouth to prevent and treat iodine deficiency and its consequences, including goiter and some thyroid disorders. It is also used for treating lumpy breasts (fibrocystic breast disease) and breast pain (mastalgia).

Iodine is also used for radiation emergencies, to protect the thyroid gland against radioactive iodides. Potassium iodide tablets for use in a radiation emergency are available as FDA-approved products (ThyroShield, Iosat) and on the Internet as food supplements. Potassium iodide should only be used in a radiation emergency, not in advance of an emergency to prevent sickness.

Iodine is sometimes applied to the skin for skininflammation and to kill germs and facilitate wound healing. It is also used prevent soreness inside the mouth or along the digestive tract, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Iodine is used in the vagina to prevent post-Cesarean swelling of the lining of the uterus.

Iodine is also used for water purification.


Is a Form of:

Chemical element

Primary Functions:


Also Known As:

Atomic number 53, Cadexomer Iodine, Diatomic Iodine, I2, Iode

How Does It Work?

Iodine reduces thyroid hormone and can kill fungus, bacteria, and other microorganisms such as amoebas. A specific kind of iodine called potassium iodide is also used to treat (but not prevent) the effects of a radioactive accident.


  • Iodine deficiency. Taking iodine supplements, including iodized salt, is effective for preventing and treating iodine deficiencies.
  • Radiation exposure. Taking iodine by mouth is effective for protecting against exposure to radioactive iodides in a radiation emergency. However, it should not be used for general protection against radiation.
  • Pink eye. Research suggests that using eye drops containing iodine in the form of povidone-iodine is more effective than silver nitrate for decreasing the risk of pinkeye in newborns. However, it is not more effective than the medications erythromycin or chloramphenicol.
  • Foot sores in people with diabetes. Applying iodine to foot ulcers might be beneficial for people with foot ulcers related to diabetes.
  • Swelling (inflammation) of the lining of the uterus (endometritis). Washing the vagina with a solution containing iodine in the form of povidone-iodine before a Cesarean delivery reduces the risk of the inflammation of the uterus lining. It also reduces the risk of infection and fever.
  • A type of benign (non-cancerous) breast disease (fibrocystic breast disease). Research shows that taking iodine, especially molecular iodine, reduces painful fibrous breast tissue.
  • Breast pain (mastalgia). Taking 3000-6000 mg of molecular iodine for 5 months seems to reduce pain and tenderness in women with breast pain related to their menstrual cycle. However, taking lower doses of 1500 mg daily doesn't seem to work.
  • Swelling (inflammation) and sores inside the mouth (oral mucositis). Applying iodine to the skin seems to prevent soreness and swelling inside the mouth caused by chemotherapy.
  • A serious gum infection (periodontitis). Research suggests that rinsing with a solution containing iodine in the form of povidone-iodine during non-surgical treatments for gum infections can help reduce the depth of infected gum pockets.
  • Infection after surgery. Some research suggests that applying iodine in the form of povidone-iodine before or during surgery reduces the risk of infections. But conflicting results exist. Also, povidone-iodine seems to be less effective than chlorhexidine at preventing infections at the surgical site when used before surgery. Iodine doesn't seem to help reduce infection risk when included in hand scrubs used before surgery.
  • A life-threatening condition caused by excess of thyroid hormone (thyroid storm). Taking iodine by mouth in combination with other treatment can improve thyroid storm.
  • Lumps in the thyroid. Taking iodine by mouth can improve lumps on the thyroid called thyroid nodules.
  • Leg sores caused by weak blood circulation (venous leg ulcer). Limited research shows that applying cadexomer iodine may help leg ulcers heal. It seems to increase the rate of complete ulcer healing by about two-fold compared to standard care. It is unclear if applying povidone iodine helps leg ulcers heal.

Recommended Dosing

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:



  • For iodine deficiency: Consumption of iodized salt is recommended in most cases.
    • For most people, iodized salt containing 20-40 mg of iodine per kilogram of salt is recommended. If salt consumption is less than 10 grams per person per day, the amount of iodine in salt may need to be higher.
    • In pregnant and lactating women, iodine supplements providing 250 mcg of iodine daily or a single annual dose of 400 mg of iodized oil are recommended.
  • For radiation exposure: Potassium iodide (KI) should be taken just prior to, or as soon as possible after, exposure. Radiation is most harmful to pregnant or breastfeeding women and children, so KI is dosed according to amount of radiation exposure and age. Radiation exposure is measured in centigrays (cGy). For pregnant or breastfeeding women, KI is given if radiation exposure is 5 centigrays (cGy) or more.
    • For pregnant or breastfeeding women, 120 mg.
    • For adults 18 to 40 years with exposure to 10 cGy or more, 130 mg of KI is given.
    • For adults over 40 years with exposure to 500 cGy or more, 130 mg of KI is given.
  • For thyroid storm: Five drops of a saturated solution of potassium iodine every 6 hours is recommended.
  • For reducing the size of thyroid nodules: Iodized salt 150-200 mcg daily in addition to thyroxine 1.5 mcg per kg daily after surgery for benign nodular thyroid disease, or 50-100 mcg/day based on needs, for up to 12 months.
  • For a type of benign (non-cancerous) breast disease (fibrocystic breast disease): Molecular iodine 70-90 mcg/kg for 4-18 months.
  • For breast pain (mastalgia): Iodine 3000-6000 mcg daily for 5 months.


  • For leg sores caused by weak blood circulation (venous leg ulcer): Topical application of cadexomer iodine to venous leg ulcers for 4-6 weeks. Also, solutions containing 10% povidone-iodine, ointment containing 10% povidone-iodine, and dry powder spray containing 2.5% povidone-iodine have been used in combination with compression therapy.
  • For foot sores in people with diabetes: Topical iodine 0.9% ointment for 12 weeks.
  • For swelling (inflammation) and sores inside the mouth (oral mucositis): 100 mL of a mouth rinse containing povidone-iodine solution used as a rinse for 3 minutes four times daily starting at the beginning of radiotherapy and continuing until one week after radiation is completed.
  • For a serious gum infection (periodontitis): A rinse with 0.1% to 10% povidone-iodine used during scaling and root planing.
  • For infection after surgery: Spray containing iodine in the form of povidone-iodine has been applied before and after wound closure. Also, solution containing 0.35% to 10% povidone-iodine has been applied for one to three minutes before or after wound closure.
  • Swelling (inflammation) of the lining of the uterus (endometritis): A vaginal wash containing iodine in the form of povidone-iodine 1% to 10% has been used immediately before Cesarean delivery.



  • For iodine deficiency: Consumption of iodized salt is recommended in most cases.
    • For most people, iodized salt containing 20-40 mg of iodine per kilogram of salt is recommended. If salt consumption is less than 10 grams per person per day, the amount of iodine in salt may need to be higher.
    • In children aged 7 months to 2 years, iodine supplementation may be necessary if iodized salt is not available. In those cases, supplements providing 90 mcg of iodine daily or a single annual dose of 200 mg of iodized oil is recommended.
  • For radiation exposure: Potassium iodide (KI) should be taken just prior to, or as soon as possible after, exposure. Radiation is most harmful to pregnant or breastfeeding women and children, so KI is dosed according to amount of radiation exposure and age. Radiation exposure is measured in centigrays (cGy). For infants, babies, children, and adolescents, KI is given if radiation exposure is 5 centigrays (cGy) or more.
    • For birth through 1 month, the dose is 16 mg of KI.
    • For babies and children over 1 month through 3 years, 32 mg.
    • For children 3 to 12 years, 65 mg.
    • For adolescents 12 through 18 years, 65 mg or 120 mg if the adolescent is approaching adult size.


  • Pink eye: Eye drops containing 2.5% povidone-iodine given shortly after birth.

The National Academy of Medicine has set Adequate Intake (AI) of iodine for infants: 0 to 6 months, 110 mcg/day; 7 to 12 months, 130 mcg/day.

For children and adults, Recommended Dietary Amounts (RDA) have been set: children 1 to 8 years, 90 mcg/day; 9 to 13 years, 120 mcg/day; people age 14 and older, 150 mcg/day. For pregnant women, the RDA is 220 mcg/day, and breastfeeding women, 290 mcg/day.

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL), the highest level of intake that is not likely to cause unwanted side effects, for iodine intake have been set: children 1 to 3 years, 200 mcg/day; 4 to 8 years, 300 mcg/day; 9 to 13 years, 600 mcg/day; 14 to 18 years (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), 900 mcg/day. For adults older than age 19 including pregnant and breastfeeding women, the Tolerable Upper Intake Level is 1100 mcg/day.

Iodine Supplements Frequently Asked Questions

What is iodine supplement good for?

Iodine is taken by mouth to prevent and treat iodine deficiency and its consequences, including goiter and some thyroid disorders. It is also used for treating lumpy breasts (fibrocystic breast disease) and breast pain (mastalgia).

Can taking iodine supplement be harmful?

More than 1,100 micrograms of iodine a day for adults can be dangerous. It could cause thyroid problems and other issues. Iodine supplements can also cause: Upset stomach.

How much iodine do we need daily?

Iodine is an essential mineral you must get from your diet. Interestingly, your thyroid gland needs it to produce thyroid hormones, which have many important responsibilities in your body ( 1 , 2). The recommended daily intake (RDI) of iodine is 150 mcg per day for most adults.

What are the symptoms of low iodine?

Here are 10 signs and symptoms of an iodine deficiency.

  • Swelling in the Neck. Share on Pinterest.
  • Unexpected Weight Gain. Unexpected weight gain is another sign of an iodine
  • Fatigue and Weakness.
  • Hair loss.
  • Dry, Flaky Skin.
  • Feeling Colder Than Usual.
  • Changes in Heart Rate.
  • Trouble Learning and Remembering.

Why has iodine been banned?

Iodine, for many years used by walkers and mountaineers to disinfect water, will be banned in the European Union from autumn. The main risks from drinking untreated water come from bacteria, viruses and parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium.

Should I take an iodine supplement?

Iodine supplements usually aren't necessary if you live in the United States or in most developed countries. Some alternative medicine practitioners recommend iodine tablets or kelp supplements — which are high in iodine — for people with hypothyroidism.

Is it safe to take iodine everyday?

Iodine Supplements May Be Too Much of a Good Thing. The recommended daily limit for iodine intake is 150 micrograms for men and non-pregnant women. The recommended daily intake is 220 to 250 micrograms for pregnant women and 250 to 290 micrograms for women who are breast-feeding.

Is it safe to take iodine daily?

That's different from what's recommended in the U.S., where National Institutes of Health guidelines say the safe upper limit for adults is 1,100 micrograms of iodine per day. That said, Pearce cautioned against taking iodine supplements with more than 150 micrograms in a daily dose.

Can I take iodine and vitamin C at the same time?

No interactions were found between iodine and Vitamin C. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

How long does it take to correct iodine deficiency?

For those with CFS/FMS, unexplained fatigue, a low body temperature, difficulty losing weight or breast disease, it's reasonable to take an iodine supplement. Take one tablet a day for 90 days (6-12 mg a day is fine). After three months, if you feel much better you can stay on the supplement.

How can I get iodine naturally?

Iodine is found naturally in some foods and is also added to salt that is labeled as "iodized". You can get recommended amounts of iodine by eating a variety of foods, including the following: Fish (such as cod and tuna), seaweed, shrimp, and other seafood, which are generally rich in iodine.

How do you fix iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency is best corrected by a healthy diet. If your diet alone is not supplying enough iodine, you may want to consider adding an iodine supplement. People who may not be getting enough iodine through food often include: vegetarians.

Will iodine help me lose weight?

Adding more iodine to your diet may help reverse the effects of a slow metabolism, as it can help your body make more thyroid hormones. Summary Low iodine levels may slow your metabolism and encourage food to be stored as fat, rather than be burned as energy. This may lead to weight gain.

Will iodine kill viruses?

Iodine is capable of killing all types of pathogens including bacteria, virus, fungi, yeast, and protozoa. It can in fact kill 90 per cent of most of the bacteria within 15-30 seconds.

What are the symptoms of too much iodine?

High iodine intakes can also cause thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer. Getting a very large dose of iodine (several grams, for example) can cause burning of the mouth, throat, and stomach; fever; stomach pain; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; weak pulse; and coma.

Why did they stop putting iodine in salt?

Iodised salt (also spelled iodized salt) is table salt mixed with a minute amount of various salts of the element iodine. The ingestion of iodine prevents iodine deficiency. Worldwide, iodine deficiency affects about two billion people and is the leading preventable cause of intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Is iodine bad for kidneys?

Serious kidney damage can be caused by the iodine-containing “dyes” that doctors use to enhance the quality of medical scans. Sometimes acute kidney failure will get better, but it may lead to CKD. People with CKD should ask about this when their doctor orders a CT scan, angiogram or angioplasty.

Does iodine help thyroid?

Iodine is an essential mineral commonly found in seafood. Your thyroid gland uses it to make thyroid hormones, which help control growth, repair damaged cells and support a healthy metabolism. Unfortunately, up to a third of people worldwide are at risk of an iodine deficiency.

Can iodine be taken orally?

You also can get the mineral by seasoning your food with iodized salt. While iodine promotes overall thyroid health, too much iodine can have a negative effect on the thyroid gland. That's why you shouldn't take iodine supplements without your doctor's recommendation.

Can iodine make you gain weight?

Adding more iodine to your diet may help reverse the effects of a slow metabolism, as it can help your body make more thyroid hormones. Summary Low iodine levels may slow your metabolism and encourage food to be stored as fat, rather than be burned as energy. This may lead to weight gain.

What are the side effects of iodine?

Side effects may include nausea and stomach pain, runny nose, headache, metallic taste, and diarrhea. In sensitive people, iodine can cause side effects including swelling of the lips and face (angioedema), severe bleeding and bruising, fever, joint pain, lymph node enlargement, hives, and death.

How do I know if I am allergic to iodine?


  • itchy rash thatcomes on slowly (contact dermatitis)
  • hives (urticaria)
  • anaphylaxis, which is a sudden allergicreaction that can cause hives, swelling of your tongue and throat, and shortness of breath.

Does iodine raise blood pressure?

Most iodine supplements contain potassium. Taking potassium iodide along with some medications for high blood pressure might cause too much potassium in the body. Do not take potassium iodide if you are taking medications for high blood pressure.  Some "water pills" might also increase potassium in the body.

Does iodine cause hair loss?

However, other studies have found that low thyroid hormone levels only seem to cause hair loss in those with a family history of hair loss ( 14 ). If you experience hair loss because of an iodine deficiency, getting enough of this mineral may help correct your thyroid hormone levels and stop hair loss.

Does iodine boost immune system?

Iodine also helps regulate the immune system as it helps fight infections. In addition, iodine can enhance the immune function by helping remove both toxic chemical toxins and biological toxins. Additionally, iodine is effective in suppressing autoimmunity which keeps immunity in check.

What foods are high in iodine?

  • Fish (such as cod and tuna), seaweed, shrimp, and other seafood, which are generally rich in iodine.
  • Dairy products (such as milk, yogurt, and cheese) and products made from grains (like breads and cereals), which are the major sources of iodinein American diets.

Clinical Studies