

D-mannose is a kind of sugar that is related to glucose.

D-mannose is used for preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and treating carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, an inherited metabolic disorder.


Is a Form Of:

Sugar related to glucose

Primary Functions:

Preventing urinary tract infections

Also Known As:

Carubinose, D-Manosa, Mannose, Seminose.

How Does It Work?

D-mannose might treat the deficiency caused by a genetic defect that causes abnormal breakdown and production of mannose. D-mannose might prevent certain kinds of bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and causing infection.


  • Treating a rare inherited disorder called carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 1b.Taking d-mannose seems to improve protein loss, liver function, low blood sugar, and blood clotting disorders in people with this condition.

Recommended Dosing

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:



  • For treating a rare inherited disorder called carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 1b: 0.3-1 grams/kg of d-mannose daily has been used.

D-Mannose Supplements Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to take D Mannose everyday?

While D-mannose is typically considered safe because it occurs naturally in many foods, doses higher than what is consumed through normal diets may pose unknown health problems; it's simply not known at this stage.

How much D mannose do you take for a UTI?

The typical dose of D-mannose for UTI treatment is 500 mg, in capsule or powder form, taken in a glass of water or juice every two to three hours for five days.

Does D mannose really work?

D-mannose worked about as well as the antibiotic nitrofurantoin for preventing UTIs over a 6-month period. In a 2014 study, D-mannose was compared to the antibiotic trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for treatment and prevention of frequent UTIs in 60 women. D-mannose reduced UTI symptoms in women with an active infection.

How long does it take for D mannose to start working?

D-mannose is rapidly absorbed and reaches organs within 30 minutes, after which it may be excreted via the urinary tract. The human body can't metabolize or store D-mannose, though it is possible much of it is metabolized by bacteria in the gut.

How long does it take for D mannose to cure UTI?

The typical dose of D-mannose for UTI treatment is 500 mg, in capsule or powder form, taken in a glass of water or juice every two to three hours for five days.

Does D mannose make you pee a lot?

D-Mannose specifially will get rid of e-coli (the common cause of utis) and the hibiscus adheres to other bacteria and flushes it out as well. It is also a gentle diuretic which allows you to pee more often to get rid of bacteria.

Can D Mannose harm kidneys?

High doses of D-mannose may cause kidney damage. Always tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking, including natural ones and those bought without a prescription. That way, your doctor can check on any potential side effects or interactions with any medications.

Does D mannose make you gain weight?

Mannose, a type of sugar, can greatly affect metabolism, weight gain, and the composition of gut bacteria in rodents. Share on Pinterest A type of sugar called mannose may help keep weight gain in check. More and more studies are unraveling the multi-layered relationship between our gut microbiome and weight gain.

When should I take D Mannose?

This is especially helpful for those who are prone to chronic UTIs and want to be able to engage in normal life activities without fear of infection. The typical dose of D-mannose for UTI treatment is 500 mg, in capsule or powder form, taken in a glass of water or juice every two to three hours for five days.

Does D mannose help overactive bladder?

D-Mannose can be taken to help clear up a bladder infection and can be used as part of a maintainence regime.

Can D Mannose make UTI worse?

There have been a lot of studies regarding taking cranberry supplements, D-mannose, and drinking cranberry juice while undergoing treatment for urinary tract infections. Further all of these contain sugar which can actually irritate the bladder more or cause you to urinate more.

Can you take D Mannose on an empty stomach?

D-mannose is best taken on empty stomach. Take 1 spoonful of powder 1 - 7 times per day, to help prevent Urinary Tract Infection. It is safe for long term.

How much D mannose should I take daily?

For now, only the doses that have been used in research are suggested: For preventing frequent UTIs: 2 grams once daily, or 1 gram twice daily. For treating an active UTI: 1.5 grams twice daily for 3 days, and then once daily for 10 days; or 1 gram three times daily for 14 days.

Can you cure a UTI with D Mannose?

D-mannose worked about as well as the antibiotic nitrofurantoin for preventing UTIs over a 6-month period. In a 2014 study, D-mannose was compared to the antibiotic trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for treatment and prevention of frequent UTIs in 60 women. D-mannose reduced UTI symptoms in women with an active infection.

Can D Mannose treat yeast infection?

Frequently, unwanted yeast infections can result as a consequence of taking antibiotics. This then results in another prescription to kill off the fungus/yeast. D-mannose is a simple sugar and can help alleviate symptoms of a urinary tract infection usually within 1 to 2 days.

Can D Mannose cause weight loss?

Mannose Reduces Weight Gain, Lowers Fat Mass, Reduces Liver Steatosis, and Improves Glucose Tolerance of HFD Mice.

Is D mannose a probiotic?

Vegetables, including green beans, cabbage, and broccoli, are also a common source. In addition, d-mannose occurs naturally in some cells in the human body and is thought to be a prebiotic, because consumption of d-mannose stimulates and fosters the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Does D mannose make your urine smell?

You may notice a strong smell in your urine when first taking d-mannose if you have an e-coli infection. D-mannose is a food supplement and it is important to remember that the bacteria E.

Does D mannose kill good bacteria?

D-mannose is a simple sugar and can help alleviate symptoms of a urinary tract infection usually within 1 to 2 days. This may well be worth trying as it does not influence or kill off any of our friendly bacteria. If it works for you, D-mannose has no known side effects and it is actually very good tasting.

Is D mannose good for interstitial cystitis?

By preventing bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract and bladder, D-Mannose may lower the risk of urinary tract infection in people who suffer from interstitial cystitis. Still, anecdotally, D-mannose appears to offer benefits for women with interstitial cystitis.

Can D Mannose treat kidney infection?

D-Mannose for Bladder and Kidney Infections. As the first three cases (described later) will illustrate, in over 90% of bladder and kidney infections, antibiotics are actually an inferior treatment choice. The treatment of choice for initial treatment of most urinary tract infections is D-mannose.

Does D mannose have side effects?

Common side effects of D-mannose include bloating, loose stools, and diarrhea. As D-mannose is excreted from the body in urine, there is also some concern that high doses may injure or impair the kidneys.

Clinical Studies